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Organic Seeds: Be My Viola
Organic Seeds: Be My Viola
Organic Seeds: Be My Viola
Organic Seeds: Be My Viola
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Organic Seeds: Be My Viola

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These miniature, pansy-like flowers in violet, yellow, and white may look sweet and innocent, but don’t be fooled. In Greek and Roman mythology, they were basically the original love potion. Cupid’s arrow allegedly struck one, giving it the power to make people fall hopelessly in love. Shakespeare even used it in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, where a few drops of Heartsease juice had people swooning over the first thing they saw.

So if you’re looking to charm your crush, keep your partner interested, or just hedge your bets, gifting Heartsease seeds is a genius move. They’re low-maintenance, long-lasting, and don’t require awkward conversations about “where this is going.” Plus, if your romance doesn’t blossom, at least your garden will.