Let's grow good things together.

How do I plant seeds?
It's easy! Fill a seed tray to a depth of about 5 cm with good organic compost. The seeds require very little nutrients for germination. Press the compost down firmly and sow the seeds to cover the surface, aiming for a seed every cm. Water carefully as necessary every day.
How will I know if the plant is germinating?
Once germination occurs, the new plant will gradually begin to emerge. When a seed first emerges from the soil, it has a set of two leaves called cotyledons. The cotyledons are a part of the seed and act as a food source for sprouting seedlings.
What is the best growing medium?
Our peat-free organic coir blocks are a bi-product of the coconut industry and free from fertilisers, chemicals and green waste. Compressed coir, once rehydrated, is ideal for a multitude of different uses. It can germinate seeds and establish root cuttings as a base for homemade composts or be added to aerate garden waste composts. Or you can use it to improve borders or vegetable beds by adding organic matter - it's great dug into clay soils to improve the structure.
How do I hydrate the coir block?
To hydrate the block, simply add a little water, wait 20 minutes and fluff up the soil. You'll be surprised at how much compost it can make.
How long will the seeds take to germinate?
Germination speed mainly depends on the temperature of your room. The warmer the environment, the faster the germination. The best average temperature to grow your plants is 18 to 24'C (64 to 75'F). Usually, it takes 1 to 2 weeks to germinate.
How do I know if the plant is growing?
Once seedlings have germinated, they need space to establish a strong root system. The second set of true leaves that emerge after the seed or cotyledon leaves means its time to transplant seedlings into larger containers; this is known as 'pricking out'. It's important to prick out and pot on as soon as the plant is ready. Remember to resow trays every couple of weeks for a continuous supply.
How do I prick out?
It is a critical moment in a seedling's life as the little plant is delicate, and damage to roots and leaves should be prevented. The seedling should be carefully eased out of the soil using a pencil and lifted gently by their leaves (not by the stem). Make a hole in your compost, place the seedling with its roots into the hole and gently firm up the compost around it. If the seedlings are leggy, bury them slightly deeper (up to the pair of leaves) in their new pot.
Can I put the seedlings outside?
Once the weather permits and your plants are large enough to be moved outside, they will need 'hardening off'. Plants might need taking inside during the night if it will be particularly cold. Plant out your seedlings into a pot or well-prepared bed and give them a good watering.
Will the plants produce seeds?
All our seeds are open-pollinated, which means you can resave the seeds after the plant has finished producing them.
If you have any other questions that we haven't answered, you can drop us an email hello@planetgoodearth.com or click on our Whatsapp Widget for customer support.